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This program is an innovative and fully targeted awareness-raising program for information security of Maritime industry, which can effectively contribute and establish a growing level of cybersecurity culture and compliance with the legal and regulatory requirements. 


  1. This program includes an Assessment Questionnaire.  

  2. This program addressed to entire personnel / crew of the Ship. 

  3. Upon successful completion of the program, the user receives a certificate of attendance. 

  4. The program is provided in English languange. 

  5. Employee training is conducted through the advanced "isAWARE" training platform. The isAWARE platform is designed to provide participants with a unified, robust, secure and integrated learning management system, with an interactive and user-friendly environment. 

Maritime Cyber Security Awareness Program

300.000.000,00 €Τιμή
    • The importance of Maritime Cyber Security 

    • Legal and Regulatory Framework 

    • Proper Use of Mobile Devices & Passwords 

    • Proper Use of Web & Social Media 

    • Proper Use of Email 

    • What is Social Engineering  

    • The benefits of Physical Security 

    • Malware & Protection Against It  

    • Information Security Incident Handling 

    • Protect the Ship 


312, Vouliagmenis Av.

Ag. Dimitrios, 17343, Greece


+30 210 6811365



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